Thursday, 19 February 2015


Every month GITG runs the GITG Reader Of The Month award, a moment to celebrate and give thanks to the tens of readers whom make doing all this worth while.  

This month, the award goes to a very special individual.  There are some moments in a young football writer's (ed: young?) life when doubts can creep in; when uncertainty clouds, and questions like, why are you still doing this?, why don't you focus on your actual career?, and, you do realise your girlfriend hates you now, right?, chip away at your self belief.  But then, you come across a reader who makes it all worth while.  A reader who makes you realise why you got in to this in the first place.  A reader who makes you fall in love with sports writing all over again.  Yes, this month's GITG Reader Of The Month award goes to an individual whose loyalty and support is without question the most sincere we have felt for a long time, whose input has inspired us and motivated us to pursue our dream. 

Congratulations, JD Nicolás Loyola, you are GITG Reader Of The Month February 2015!     

All winners receive a lifetime subscription to GITG, a hardback copy of the GITG Bumper Annual, and a signed photograph* of the writers. 


*Photographs may not be of writers or decent.

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