Sunday, 29 December 2013

Millwall FC - Misunderstood

Millwall FC - Misunderstood
When you think of Millwall FC, you think of blood, white people, and someone trying to break into their own house. This is a common misconception, GITG have been speaking with some Millwall fans - that are fed up with the bad press they always seem to receive.
Johnny 'Stabbo' Mcfighty from South Bermondsey was quizzed first;
GITG - So Johnny, why don't you think you deserve the bad press you often get?
Johnny - Well I think we are misunderstood as a whole really. I mean no one thinks about us, they don't think about how we feel, and how these nasty instances effect US.
GITG - in what way have you been effected Johnny?
Johnny - So last month when we played Leeds, I was so angry that the ref didn't give a penalty, I blew my own car up.
GITG - But Johnny, do you not think that's Maybe your own fault?
Johnny - Listen mate, I don't like your tone, you aren't listening to me, did you not hear what I said? My car got blown up, just because I parked near the stadium, these things shouldn't be happening nowadays, its just not right
Arthur 'Brickfist' Punchy from Lewisham added this;
Arthur - I understand exactly where Johnny is coming from
GITG - How have you been affected by this reputation Arthur?
Arthur - Well a few weeks back we played Birmingham. We were all really upset at the result and a few people took it too far.
GITG - What happened Arthur?
Arthur - So we were so angry we went P*ki bashing round Peckham, and now, no one will sell me a curry in South London
GITG - Arthur, are you saying you went on a racist rampage around South London, and now feel aggrieved that the people you racially abused, will not serve you?
Arthur - Exactly, do you know what its like not being able to get a curry on a Friday night? No one thinks about how we are affected as a fan base, its just not right, our reputation precedes us.
Our final interview was with 16 year old 'Jim-Bob' Jimmy Von Smashcunt from Bexleyheath
GITG - Jimmy, why have you chosen to support Millwall seeing as you don't live particularly nearby? Is it because you like the reputation the clubs fans have, and it makes you feel tough?
Jimmy - I will be honest I just like the exciting football we play, Not many teams play one striker nowadays.
The interview was cut short due to Jimmy being completely and utterly pranged on Cocaine
More soon

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